Friday, August 29, 2014

Beautiful Plans 5.1: Level 1 Drills

Plan for Level 1 Technique Practice

Basic Stance
Build a basic stance
Knee bends (Bend the knees, keeping alignment, and return to a basic stance)
Step between a basic stance and a wide stance:  step out and in on the R then L

Side-to-Side Tilts
Side-to-side tilt, slow and medium speed; lead R and lead L
Tilt to one side, back the center, and again to the same side
R x8; L x8
R x4; L x4
Double side-to-side; lead R and lead L
Double side-to-side with a full weight transfer (hold and balance)
Double side-to-side and travel upstage and downstage
Double side-to-side in place, faster tempo
Single tilts, faster speed
Shimmy:  shimmy for 8 counts, rest for 8 counts; repeat

8s and Circles
Build a wide stance
Full shift side
Return to a basic stance
Isolated shifts:  side to side
Shift to one side, back the center, and again to the same side
R x8; L x8
R x4; L x4
Isolated shifts:  front and back
Circle continuously:  clockwise then counterclockwise
Half-circles back and forth around the front
Circle clockwise x3½; reverse and circle counterclockwise x3½
Circle clockwise x 1½; reverse and circle counterclockwise x1½

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