Sunday, September 21, 2014

Zeina Step-by-Step Gift Pack 8: Choreography Notes 1 of 2 (Just the Cues)

Verbal Cues for the Zeina Choreography
Sing along at home!

walk: R, L, kick arabesque, smooth arabesque, look, look; lean in push off
float through, cross-pivot, undulate L R L R
walk: L, R; kick arabesque smooth arabesque; look-look; lean in push off
float through, cross-pivot, undulate R L R L

step-pivot open, figure 8: sloooooow, quick-quick

pivot open on the right; shoulder rolls; twist-twist back and up
pivot open on the left; shoulder rolls; twist-twist back and up

reverse, up front; step across, hip down-up
roll down, up side; step across; down-up

up 8: 1 2 3 4; 8-in undulate, 8-in, undulate

[turn clockwise]: step, step, ball-change; L hip roll in, roll in
left hip push push; circle down and half; half circles- 1, 2
[step upstage counter-clockwise turn]: L, R, ball-change; R hip roll in, roll in
R hip push push; circle down and half; half circles- 1, 2

front-back-in, roll up, lift, step-hold, cross, paddle around

sweep to the right; roll up; sway sway
sway to the left; roll up; sway sway

reach up the ceiling, ball change, up side,
pivot to the center; reach down, reel-twist-close

undulate 4 times
big hip circle and half

vamp, breathe, relax, prepare for the bridge

step cross-behind; turn turn; R L; step back back front
cross-behind, step, cross-pivot
walk forward: R L R

lift/hagallah: down L shimmy down shimmy down shimmy; twist-shift-in
twist down; twist down; push, push, push

L foot: step back, back, turn turn
L R; back back front
R-L cross-pivot back up L R L

lift/hagallah: down R shimmy down shimmy down shimmy; twist-shift-in
twist down; twist down; push, push, push

pull in on the right; undulate, undulate
in on the left; tap; step around R L R; [step across]
pull in on the left; undulate, undulate
[quick turn]: pull in on the right; wait, wait

bounce off
double drop, 2, 3, push and push
around the front, around the back, un-du-late, roll up
ribcage front-back-front-back-front; shoulder shoulder
wait, wait, sit, push, close

other side:
double drop, 2, 3, push and push
around the front, around the back, un-du-late, roll up
ribcage front-back-front-back-front; shoulder shoulder
wait, wait, sit, push, close

pull in on the left; undulate, undulate
in on the right, tap, step around L, R, L [step across]
in on the right, undulate, undulate
[quick turn]: in left, step out

walk walk roll up 2 rolls down
step lift 4 times
other side: walk, walk, roll up, 2 rolls down
step lift

front-back-in, roll up, lift, step-hold, cross, paddle around

step left, hip and hip, swing forward and back
other side: step right, hip and hip, swing forward and back

side to side: left and left, right and left;
right and right, left and turn,

hagallah 2 3 4
around the front around the back; push; close

pulse, 2, 3, 4
down and down; down and down; drop drop;
other side – pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse:
down and down; down and down;

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